Captain & Stoker has coaches in various regions. Contact us for an introduction.
Read about their personal experiences with coaching below.

No-frills conversations
In my career, everything went smoothly for quite some time. A nice trajectory with interesting offers, successful job …
A support and push at the same time
After 5 years of working, I reached out to a coach through VDAB. I was stuck. I felt reluctant to go to work …
Exploring a range of possibilities
In my own career, I often turned to coaching myself. The common thread running through these conversations …
Working with what the coachee brings to the table
Some years ago, I turned to career coaching myself, initially not to change jobs – I enjoyed working as a coordinator of a crisis team …
Our professional facilitator
Birte Kooken is our final team member. As a professional facilitator and coach, she helps us brainstorm about the direction in which we cycle, our approach, and …
Daring to leap, with enthusiasm!
Coaching is my second career. Prior to that, I was a physicist and worked in marketing for a publicly traded American company. I enjoyed my job immensely…
Pausing Together to Move Forward
I am a trained psychologist, and my career began as a trainer and facilitator in areas such as assertiveness, competency development, communication skills, leadership, …
Empathetic, powerful, and with a touch of humor
With a background in social work and a long-term tenure at VDAB – where my passion laid in guiding job seekers – I eventually found myself in the world of coaching …
Learning to Balance in Life
The coaching bug got to me when I completed the Inspiring Coaching course and discovered the value of coaching firsthand as a coachee. Truly remarkable things …
No-Nonsense Coaching with a Touch of Humor
Hi, I’m Tommy, a passionate coach with a career full of inspiring and transformative experiences. My mission…
Bringing Back the Sparkle in Someone’s Eyes
As a manager in a rehabilitation hospital, I developed a growing interest in coaching employees, recognizing…


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