Pausing Together to Move Forward


I am a trained psychologist, and my career began as a trainer and facilitator in areas such as assertiveness, competency development, communication skills, leadership, and more. Eventually, I landed in the role of an HR manager at a social enterprise. I have always been fascinated by people and their personal growth. At a certain point, I realized that I was deeply entrenched in my managerial role, and I missed the one-on-one conversations, which were the very reason I pursued a psychology degree. That’s when I decided to embark on the ‘Inspiring Coaching’ program, and it felt like coming home. It articulated what I had been experiencing and seeing all along. The training aligned perfectly with my own instincts: allowing emotions to simply exist and be felt, embracing the gift of ‘permission’.

In my own coaching practice, I align with the principles of Inspiring Coaching. An appreciative, challenging, and positive approach is at the heart of what I do, sometimes seasoned with a touch of humor, and always infused with a generous dose of empathy. I often receive feedback that I create ample space while simultaneously piercing through issues. It always warms my heart to witness insights landing. Together, we pause and take the time to develop a clear path from there, enabling you to move forward.

I guarantee a personalized approach with plenty of room for emotions. Together, we explore what matters to you and what energizes you. You may already understand things on an intellectual level, but truly feeling them can be even more powerful. You can turn to me to achieve your goals, enhance your skills, navigate your environment, relationships, or your own reactions better, contemplate your beliefs, delve into personal questions, find purpose, and address career-related questions… In essence, to unlock your potential. Often, clarity emerges when things settle down.

Greet Van Ham

No-frills conversations
In my career, everything went smoothly for quite some time. A nice trajectory with interesting offers, successful job …
A support and push at the same time
After 5 years of working, I reached out to a coach through VDAB. I was stuck. I felt reluctant to go to work …
Exploring a range of possibilities
In my own career, I often turned to coaching myself. The common thread running through these conversations …
Working with what the coachee brings to the table
Some years ago, I turned to career coaching myself, initially not to change jobs – I enjoyed working as a coordinator of a crisis team …
Our professional facilitator
Birte Kooken is our final team member. As a professional facilitator and coach, she helps us brainstorm about the direction in which we cycle, our approach, and …
Daring to leap, with enthusiasm!
Coaching is my second career. Prior to that, I was a physicist and worked in marketing for a publicly traded American company. I enjoyed my job immensely…
Pausing Together to Move Forward
I am a trained psychologist, and my career began as a trainer and facilitator in areas such as assertiveness, competency development, communication skills, leadership, …
Empathetic, powerful, and with a touch of humor
With a background in social work and a long-term tenure at VDAB – where my passion laid in guiding job seekers – I eventually found myself in the world of coaching …
Learning to Balance in Life
The coaching bug got to me when I completed the Inspiring Coaching course and discovered the value of coaching firsthand as a coachee. Truly remarkable things …
No-Nonsense Coaching with a Touch of Humor
Hi, I’m Tommy, a passionate coach with a career full of inspiring and transformative experiences. My mission…
Bringing Back the Sparkle in Someone’s Eyes
As a manager in a rehabilitation hospital, I developed a growing interest in coaching employees, recognizing…


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